Saturday, January 18, 2014

Post 549

Easy and Mollie & Alfie are co-hosting a  TimeWarp Bloghop.   See their 1-13-14 posts for details and on Tuesdays post your before and after pictures to participate.

FiveSibes is hosting a Giveaway.   See their 1-18-14 post for details and the rafflecopter to enter the drawing for a copy of the book Buddy, the Christmas Husky.   Deadline is 1-31-14.

Jazzi is coordinating Bark Day and Gotcha Day Calendars.   See her 1-12-14 post for details.   Respond by 1-30-14 to have your days included on the calendars.

Madi is sponsoring the Queen Of Hearts Dance for Valentine's Day.   See her 1-15-14 post for information.   Event will take place all day on 2-14-14.

Murphy and Stanley have a Power Of The Paw page on their blog for those friends who need our love and support.   Please see their blog and click on the POTP tab to review.

Our Rainbow Friends have posted a tribute to those friends who crossed the bridge in December.  Click to link to the blog.

Pepi Smart Dog is hosting an ongoing Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   Click his name to link to the blog for details.

Pets in Need is hosting an Auction to benefit Tweedles.   Donations are needed and the auction will be open for bids from 1-8-14 to 1-18-14.    See the blog for details and instructions.

Rascal & Rocco
are hosting a Pet Parade Blog Hop.  See their 8-9-13 post for details.  These blog hops occur every Friday.

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