Thursday, May 24, 2012

Post 161

Pet Fiction Theater's Spring Show is now playing Act I.  See the 5-14-12 post for the Act and the Casting Call for Super Pets.  Deadline to audition for Director, Roo is 5-23-12.

Cow Spot Dogs are hosting the 2nd annual Pee Mail Competition.  See their 5-17-12 post for details.  Take pictures reading (not leaving) peemail, add a caption, and be entered to win one of three fire hydrant prizes.  Deadline is 6-16-12.

Frank The Tank is hosting Pugaliers Win Prizes to celebrate his 2nd Blogaversary.  See his 5-24-12 post with a puppy picture of him and leave a comment including your idea of a caption for the picture.  Enter to win one of 3 prizes at the end of June.

Our Rainbow Friends have the April posting up now.  Please visit to pay respects to those who crossed the bridge last month.

Sprinkles is sponsoring the Doggone Dog Swap.  See her 5-14-12 post for instructions.  Deadline to enter is 6-1-12 and you will be paired with a swap partner for a maximum $30 exchange. 

Dusty is celebrating his first barkday with a contest.  See his 5-18-12 post for details.  Post a favorite picture of yourself, comment on his blog and be entered in the competition.  Deadline is 6-27-12 and votes will determine the winner.  The prize is a graphite or pastel portrait of the winning picture.

Posie is hosting an ongoing series called Saturday Sweeties. See the 4-21-12 post for details. Email pictures of yourself enjoying a sweet treat to participate.

Mona is hosting a Chip In to help with vet expenses for a pack of dachshund puppies struggling with parvo. Proceeds directed to ATDR and you can see her 4-13-12 post for details.

George the Lad is accepting participants as guests on his Saturday Steps series. See his 4-14-12 post for the email and details.

Blogville is supporting a Card Shower to boost the spirits of Miss Judi at SASS. To get her address, please visit our pal Pip. She could really use our loving vibes and healing thoughts.

Morris Animal Foundation is launching a canine cancer study. They are looking for purebred Golden Retrievers under age 2 to participate in a 10-12 year study.

Fivesibes is now offering their book, What's Wrong With Gibson. A percentage of the profits will be donated to the non-profit Center for Canine Epilepsy Resources.

Bailey is hosting an ongoing event called Dogs In Cars. Send her pix of pooches going for rides and she'll be doing posts to show them all.

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